Friday, February 15, 2008

Retirement Rag

The first day of the rest of my life was almost a week ago. As I remember it was a day filled with promise and warm fuzzy memories, as well as the flurry of last minute packing and travel plans. Now, a week later, I am just returning to the task of my new life.
I have just retired after 26 years with a major company. A small fish in the small pool of the local office. Well known for my tenacity and ability to solve small problems. What's wrong with the copier, where are the labels for this printer, this program isn't working , etc? Also well known for speaking my opinion and fighting for my vision of fairness or ethics. Hence, still the small fish.
I had a wonderful send off by my coworkers. Lots of heartfelt warm wishes. Suggestions on where to go and what to see. Gifts of road atlases with destinations highlighted and one with directions on how to get back home.
Now it's time to start living that new life, and I am afraid I am going to botch it up as much as I did the first one. My husband who retired several years ago is all about doing nothing. He calls it doing whatever he wants and if that happens to be nothing, then to hell with it. I am concerned with not accomplishing anything.
There is so much I want to do, things to see, people to meet, activities to try. I am afraid I will be caught up in this relaxed atmosphere and wake up to find I am eighty years old and dying, and still not have made a difference.
So...on to the fray. Get something done...... For goodness sake, at least put on my sneakers and go for a walk......Talk to you later