Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grocery Store Give In

I was a bad person yesterday. I went shopping at a regular grocery store. I was on my way home from my Granddaughter's school and I needed a few things. The regular grocery is on that end of town. I knew once I got home I wouldn't want to head out the other end of town to the organic grocery. Besides, I just needed a couple of things. Yeah - we've all said that and then been enticed by the displays.
Fortunately, as I was on foot, I would have to show some moderation. 
Well, they were having a sale on meat. Buy one get / one for free. I came home with two packages of pork chops from mistreated hogs and two packages of ground beef that could be laced with more e-coli than the body could take. Peppers shipped in from some other hemisphere and a box of cookies. The sweets are the hardest things for me to resist.
It's just so easy and so attractive at a supermarket. Whether your bad choices are bad for the environment, your health or both, as mine were. Everything is so pretty. 
Oh and by the way. You know those almost clear, so lean there is no flavor pork chops you get at the store? You can grow tasty, lean pork chops by just giving the hog enough time to grow. Instead of over feeding them a special diet to hurry them to market. Slow feed them a healthy diet. They will be lean and tasty.