Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What's to Come?

A terrifying thought came to me the other day.  I thought about what my daughters' answers would be if I asked them "how many marriages do you know that have worked?". I did ask my oldest and my fears were confirmed when I saw her face screw up in thought. Now - given that they are old enough to consider whether or not a marriage is "working" whether or not the coupe has stayed married. Still, at their age, I would have had to think hard to think of marriages that had failed. That's quite a change in one generation.

Growing up there were no divorces in the extended family I knew. I didn't have a friend from a divorced home until I was in 7th grade. I did have several friends who were living with widowed parents. Our parents were the WWII generation so that's not so surprising.

What does this mean in terms of the future? Certainly marriage has not been killed by the prospect of same sex marriage. We hetero's have done a bang up job of killing our marriages all by ourselves. 

What happened?
Is there hope or is marriage an un-natural state?
Is there a new marriage formula in the winds?
What are/will be the expectations of today's children?