Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh Poop!

Let's say you live on a nice piece of property in a small community. Let's say I bought a piece of property next door to you. Let's say I built an apartment complex that housed 4000 people. Now let's say that to handle the sewage I built a large pond. Open to the air. Somewhat vulnerable to run off. 
Are you happy with me? Are you happy with the governmental bodies that say this is OK?
Now let's say that once or twice a year I spread this sewage so thickly on the fields around you that it looks like someone has troweled on black cement. 
Are you happy now? 
Local governments have done a lot in my area to correct inadequate sewer systems for homes. The new regulations concerning pumping tanks, and adequate leach fields help to control standing water and runoff issues and to protect our wells and waterways. Systems that were adequate when we bathed less often and used wringer washers that reused water for several loads, needed to be updated for our current habits of daily showers, dishwashers and changing clothes for every activity. 
Manure handling on livestock facilities have not changed much. Manure lagoons were a good idea, allowing for manure to be stored and then spread at optimal times for crop fertilization, with the idea of immediate plowing under to reduce loss of nitrogen to the air, and runoff. These systems were developed when the farms in my area had 50 to 100 head of milking cows. 
Are they sufficient for a facility that houses 100 times that many?
More later on how these facilities impact the financial lives of their neighbors.

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